
Gunpowder Tea

Before you assume that gunpowder tea is tea made from gunpowder, let's clear this misconception. It is a type of green tea, the leaves of which are rolled to resemble gunpowder pellets that were used in olden times. This is where the name finds its origin. Another reason why this may be its name is because of the way these leaves kind of 'explode' when they are put in boiling hot water. In effect, these leaves simply unfold in hot water, but with great intensity. Therefore the misleading name, gunpowder tea.

Gunpowder tea has been and is still grown and manufactured in China. While in earlier times each leaf was rolled manually, as of now, the process is completely mechanized. It is however believed that there are some varieties that are still hand rolled. In effect, this tea is variety of green tea, the leaves of which have been rolled to maintain their natural, raw, grassy flavor. Unlike other tea leaves that are normally dried and roasted, these are kept fresh in order to retain their flavor. There are numerous benefits of this tea for health, which is why it is so popular all over the world. These benefits, and other interesting facts have been discussed here.

Health Benefits

Because it is fresh, this tea has a stronger flavor than its dried counterparts. Gunpowder tea contains caffeine but in a limited amount, and unless you consume this tea in extremely large amounts it will not prove harmful in any way. In fact, a cup of this tea everyday will provide you several benefits. As it is a variety of green tea, it is extremely rich in antioxidants that are known to heal the body in several ways. This helps it rid the body of free radicals that can cause severe damage to the body in the long run, and even cause cancer. Here are some more benefits of this tea.
  • The antioxidants in this tea can help prevent the body from developing cancer.
  • The high levels of antioxidants also help strengthen the immune system and keep the body free of a lot of health conditions.
  • Gunpowder tea is a natural body cleanser, that will allow you to develop great skin, and keep your digestive system healthy.
  • There is a strong relation between green tea and weight loss. As such, this tea also helps you burn off excess fat. This is of course considering that you will follow a healthy diet and a regular exercise regime along with consuming this tea.
  • It can also help fight cavities, and keep the mouth free of any tooth and gum diseases.
The benefits of consuming gunpowder tea as compared to other types of green tea are that because this tea is largely unprocessed, not only does it retain its flavor, it also retains essential nutrients that are usually lost while processing tea. In order to enhance the effectiveness of gunpowder tea, consuming it with a citrus flavor such as a dash of lemon or orange is beneficial. The vitamin C contained in citrus foods enhance the function of the antioxidants in this tea. As such, having this tea on a regular basis is a great choice that helps you keep your body fit and healthy.

How to Buy and Make Gunpowder Tea

The basic rule when buying gunpowder tea is to look at how shiny the leaves are. Fresh leaves are shinier and tightly rolled. This is a test of their freshness. Another measure of their freshness is to press them and check if they are tight enough. If they are fresh, you will just be able to squeeze them, but if they are stale, they are likely to crumble.

You have to be very careful of the kind of water you use when preparing gunpowder tea. Experts suggest using natural spring water, considering that tap water has a great mineral content that may alter the flavor, and effectiveness of the tea to a large extent. Boil one cup of water. The water should have just started boiling, which is when you are required to take it off the heat. Add 2-3 pellets of tea to one cup of water. Watch how the leaves unfold or pop open. Allow the leaves to steep in the water for at least a minute. Once you get accustomed to its taste, you can allow the leaves to steep for longer. The longer you steep the leaves, the stronger the tea is likely to taste. You may also want to add more pellets of tea once you develop a taste for this tea, for a stronger flavor. Ideally, make the tea in a white cup so you can see the color of the tea and judge the strength of its flavor by its color in the future. You may add honey to it for a little sweetness. However, milk and sugar are not recommended. You may also add mint leaves to enhance the flavor of the tea, along with a dash of lemon if you wish to.

Store gunpowder tea in a cool, dark area in an airtight container. Refrigerating it may be a good idea so that it retains its freshness. This tea is available in numerous specialty food stores nowadays due to its increasing popularity. Else, you may also purchase it online or in Asian markets. Enjoy the flavor and benefits of this wonder tea for your overall health. It is likely to help you a great deal in the long run.

Disclaimer: This Buzzle article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert advice.

Before you assume that gunpowder tea is tea made from gunpowder, let's clear this misconception. It is a type of green tea, the leaves of which are rolled to resemble gunpowder pellets that were used in olden times. This is where the name finds its origin. Another reason why this may be its name is because of the way these leaves kind of 'explode' when they are put in boiling hot water. In effect, these leaves simply unfold in hot water, but with great intensity. Therefore the misleading name, gunpowder tea.

Gunpowder tea has been and is still grown and manufactured in China. While in earlier times each leaf was rolled manually, as of now, the process is completely mechanized. It is however believed that there are some varieties that are still hand rolled. In effect, this tea is variety of green tea, the leaves of which have been rolled to maintain their natural, raw, grassy flavor. Unlike other tea leaves that are normally dried and roasted, these are kept fresh in order to retain their flavor. There are numerous benefits of this tea for health, which is why it is so popular all over the world. These benefits, and other interesting facts have been discussed here.

Health Benefits

Because it is fresh, this tea has a stronger flavor than its dried counterparts. Gunpowder tea contains caffeine but in a limited amount, and unless you consume this tea in extremely large amounts it will not prove harmful in any way. In fact, a cup of this tea everyday will provide you several benefits. As it is a variety of green tea, it is extremely rich in antioxidants that are known to heal the body in several ways. This helps it rid the body of free radicals that can cause severe damage to the body in the long run, and even cause cancer. Here are some more benefits of this tea.
  • The antioxidants in this tea can help prevent the body from developing cancer.
  • The high levels of antioxidants also help strengthen the immune system and keep the body free of a lot of health conditions.
  • Gunpowder tea is a natural body cleanser, that will allow you to develop great skin, and keep your digestive system healthy.
  • There is a strong relation between green tea and weight loss. As such, this tea also helps you burn off excess fat. This is of course considering that you will follow a healthy diet and a regular exercise regime along with consuming this tea.
  • It can also help fight cavities, and keep the mouth free of any tooth and gum diseases.
The benefits of consuming gunpowder tea as compared to other types of green tea are that because this tea is largely unprocessed, not only does it retain its flavor, it also retains essential nutrients that are usually lost while processing tea. In order to enhance the effectiveness of gunpowder tea, consuming it with a citrus flavor such as a dash of lemon or orange is beneficial. The vitamin C contained in citrus foods enhance the function of the antioxidants in this tea. As such, having this tea on a regular basis is a great choice that helps you keep your body fit and healthy.

How to Buy and Make Gunpowder Tea

The basic rule when buying gunpowder tea is to look at how shiny the leaves are. Fresh leaves are shinier and tightly rolled. This is a test of their freshness. Another measure of their freshness is to press them and check if they are tight enough. If they are fresh, you will just be able to squeeze them, but if they are stale, they are likely to crumble.

You have to be very careful of the kind of water you use when preparing gunpowder tea. Experts suggest using natural spring water, considering that tap water has a great mineral content that may alter the flavor, and effectiveness of the tea to a large extent. Boil one cup of water. The water should have just started boiling, which is when you are required to take it off the heat. Add 2-3 pellets of tea to one cup of water. Watch how the leaves unfold or pop open. Allow the leaves to steep in the water for at least a minute. Once you get accustomed to its taste, you can allow the leaves to steep for longer. The longer you steep the leaves, the stronger the tea is likely to taste. You may also want to add more pellets of tea once you develop a taste for this tea, for a stronger flavor. Ideally, make the tea in a white cup so you can see the color of the tea and judge the strength of its flavor by its color in the future. You may add honey to it for a little sweetness. However, milk and sugar are not recommended. You may also add mint leaves to enhance the flavor of the tea, along with a dash of lemon if you wish to.

Store gunpowder tea in a cool, dark area in an airtight container. Refrigerating it may be a good idea so that it retains its freshness. This tea is available in numerous specialty food stores nowadays due to its increasing popularity. Else, you may also purchase it online or in Asian markets. Enjoy the flavor and benefits of this wonder tea for your overall health. It is likely to help you a great deal in the long run.

Disclaimer: This Buzzle article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert advice.

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